vogue property management
We do our best, but sometime things go wrong.
So when this happens we would like you to let us know, so we can try and put matters right. We take all complaints seriously and will deal with the complaint professionally. To ensure that we have all the facts necessary to investigate your complaint, we have a step by step procedure for you to follow. Following this procedure will enable us to expedite your complaint to a mutually satisfactory resolution.
stage 1
The most effective way of resolving a problem is to give the employee involved the opportunity to discuss your dissatisfaction with you informally. Before you decide whether to make a formal complaint we therefore ask you to try to resolve the matter with the person concerned by contacting your Property Manager.
stage 2
If your problem is about your Property Manager and you are unable to discuss the matter with him/her or if you are unhappy with the way the matter is dealt with you can then put your complaint in writing to Managing Director Mike Steeneveld.
The Managing Director will conduct a full investigation. Complaints may be complex and if you are not entirely happy with our response you can follow step 3 of the procedure.
stage 3
If you feel you have not received a reasonable response to your complaint under Step 2, your next avenue would be to apply to the Tenancy Tribunal for mediation and/or hearing if it is a matter falling under their jurisdiction. All details including application forms can be found on the Ministry of Justice Website
Contact Us
Get in touch.
You can also call us on 09 216 8487 or txt 021 973 161