Healthy Homes - Costs

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Healthy Homes - Costs

October 10, 2019

Costs for Landlords [10 Oct 2019]

This is the big one. After 3 months of doing HH check-lists and bringing properties up to the new standard, we can tell you this:

  • Almost all properties will require Heat Pumps (HP) to be installed
  • Budget $2,000 - $3,000 per property
  • Do it earlier rather than later

Only newer, well insulated units, with small lounges, will be able to avoid adding a HP. A wall heater covers us up to 2.4kw heating capacity and this is quite cheap, only about $250 for the purchase and install. As soon as we go above 2.4kw a HP is required. The installation cost is around $700-$800 and the rest is for the HP. The cheapest HP install is around $1,500, but the most common one we have had installed is for $2,000 all up and you are covered for heating up to 6.0kw. Then there are the costs for kitchen extractors and fans which must all now have external vents, or be installed if they aren't there. Plus potentially moisture barriers and insulation top-ups. There is so many issues that Tenancy Services have published a (22 page!) standard questions and answers booklet so you can see how daunting this is going to be for many landlords.

Paperwork for Landlords

You should know that all tenancy agreements now have to have an insulation statement, insurance excess details, and a HHL Compliance Statement (yes or no). From July 2020 we are required to actually state where the property does not comply with HHL. Yes, that's right... we have to say in writing how the property is not yet up to standard. From July 2021 any new tenancy has to fully comply with HHL(within 90 days), and from July 2024 it has to comply no matter when rented out.

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